The Weekly Bookmark January 29, 1996 - Vol 2, No. 06 __________________________________________________________ Table of Contents On My End - Note from the Editor Out There - Places to Visit Weekly Bookmark Information Meet The Staff - Contact Info __________________________________________________________ On My End Matt Alberts Welcome to another issue of the Weekly Bookmark. Over this weekend, I secured a majordomo listserver for the distribution list. This will make things for me and you much easier due to the subscriptions being handled somewhere else. As soon as we have the full details, I will send them out. Expect test messages! We are developing the Weekly Bookmark according to your comments and the surveys I have seen. You should be seeing an improvement in the next couple of weeks. All subscribe and unsubscribe have gone through the system and should be processed. If you are having trouble with your subscription, email __________________________________________________________ Out There Art and Literature Daniel's Excessively Flashy Home Page Digital photography, multimedia, "interactive art" -- whatever that is -- website design consulting, and a few dumb toys. URL: Submitted By: Daniel Beck Business International Directory of Women Web Designers for 1996 The new International Directory of Women Web Designers, a World Wide Web site dedicated to web design companies and related Internet consulting firms that are owned and operated by women. The Directory contains businesses who specialize in Web page design, graphics, Web server set-up and maintenance, Internet training, marketing, and consulting. Companies are broken down geographically to help users find a consultant or designer in his or her area. Hyperlinks to company sites and contact information about the company are included in every listing. URL: Submitted By: Shauna Doughty Summit Personalized Trading Cards Create your own personalized trading cards. Great for business cards, sport teams, announcements, and even fund raisers. URL: http://www.mindspring/~jtelder/Summit/summit_home.html Submitted By: Jason and Terri ELder MLM Online This site have been created with the purpose of helping people who are working with Multi Level Marketing in gaining access to all the usefull information that is spread all over the Internet. URL: Submitted By: Alexander Stigsen Computers COOLWARE Be sure that your wear enough: Extremely COOL over there!! You will find the best screen savers, utilities. URL: Submitted By: Mark Qian rncbc Home Page Dedicated to Windows Programming, Software Development in general, and to my country, Portugal. Use of the C/C++ language and Delphi. Announcement about The AlterMedia Experience software project. Programming Tools and Resources sharing. URL: Submitted By: Rui Nuno de Carvalho Barroso Capela Screen Saver Zone Links to all the best screen saver sites on the Net. Start here for the best in Windows screen savers. URL: Submitted By: Peter Avritch Jeff's Simcity2000 Page! Cool page about Sim City 2000. URL: Submitted By: Jeff Nicolini Computer Tyme Software Lab - MarxMenu Software Developers of utilities for Novell Netware and other networks. Menu systems and the MarxMenu job control script language. DOS Utilities. URL: Submitted By: Marc Perkel Education U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps The Naval Sea Cadets is a nonprofit youth education organization for young men and women 11 to 18 years of age. The NSCC strives to teach young people to be stronger, more confident citizens by stressing discipline, accountability, patriotism and drug-free living. Sea Cadets can learn about the Navy while having fun. Cadets are trained year-round and during the summer may go to advanced training at military installations around the world. We offer training aboard ships and subs, with aviation squadrons (Topgun is one of them), SEAL training, medical training, band training, Exchange Programs (UK, Belgium, S. Africa, Canada, Bermuda, etc.), and many more training sessions. The website contains general information about the NSCC, photos of cadets in action, and a Unit Locator for finding the unit closest to the user. URL: Submitted By: LT William J. Murphy Entertainment Baudeville Magazine Baudeville is a commixture of comedy and commentary, updated weekly. Regular features include: + "What Happened to Chiphead Harry?" daily soap + "Sex, Lust, AIDS, and Biology" column + Too Much Coffee Man comic strip + "Quack Attack: Combatting Pseudoscience" column + The Link Lit contest: A revolution (ahem) in hypertext URL: Submitted By: Dan Heath GoodBets Compact, thoughtful reviews of outstanding CD-ROMs, music, movies, books, and TV events, along with peak travel experiences and contraversial opinion. GoodBets welcomes your inputs and publishes the best. URL: Submitted By: Howard Falk Wisconsin Pro Sports Commentary and Links This page has all the known links to Wisconsin pro sports teams as well as my personal commentary about the teams. URL: Submitted By: Ross Fleege Bubba Bullmash Bubba Bullmash is a new comic strip seen only on the Net. The strip follows the adventures of Bubba Bullmash and his zany cast of friends and family. Please return every two weeks for a new installment. URL: Submitted By: Ilene Dyer Health The Good Mood Page A self-help page for depression, stress, anxiety and other unhappy emotional states. Learn causes and cures, and relax on the Web. A hypertext journey to wellness. URL: Submitted By: Cathleen J. Henning Allergy Society of South Africa Internet home of the Allergy Society of South Africa URL: Submitted By: Dr Harris Steinman Internet Web Review Want to know what's happening on the Web? Check Web Review. With daily news about the Net, insightful feature stories profiling the people, technology and businesses that are changing the Web every day, WR is the best place to understand the evolution of the Web. Published every Friday. URL: Submitted By: Richard Komain Wow! Web Wonders Wow! Web Wonders! is the latest forum for the best of the World Wide Web! The Wow! home page is divided up into several sections, including graphics, well-designed sites, resources, fun sites, and much more! URL: Submitted By: Jason Kraft DMMW - Computer and Internet Solutions A place where the Internet community can find information and resources about HTML, CGIs, JAVA, Frames, Tables, tutorials, help, pointers and links, etc. We also have discussion pages where others can post and respond to questions relating to the Internet. URL: Submitted By: David Wright News The New York Times on the Web The New York Times on the Web is an interactive source of worldwid news and information offering convenient and immediate access to NY Times coverage. The service includes news updates, original content developed for the site, archival material from the newspaper and interactive featurers. URL: Submitted By: Peter Suciu Personal Pages kel's place kel's place is the electronic home of Kelli Murbach. A Civil Engineering major, short in height, but long in humor. The site offers the usual set of links, plus some of kel's writing on the way life goes. URL: Submitted By: kelli marie murbach Stormy's Simplistic Solutions Stormy's Simplistic Solutions is a classy site that is easy to navigate and loads quickly... Each page stands on it's own. It is well designed with very nice use of graphics. You'll find plenty of content and many, many good links. Comprehensive music and comedy pages.. Not your average personal home page and very easy on the eyes. Warm and friendly atmosphere... URL: Submitted By: Tara Lee Schaub Jeffstuf page! Page about me, Jeff Nicolini. URL: Submitted By: Jeff Nicolini Reference is a starting place for the Freemason, eMason & non-Mason. URL: Submitted By: Rick Kasparek Regional Venezuela on the Web! The ultimate Web site totally dedicated to Venezuela, a Latin country known as 'the best kept secret of the Caribbean.' Well, not so secret anymore. Good FAQs here, stunning photos, even audio. Worth a visit. URL: Submitted By: Chris Menegat South-Limburg Information about the south of the Netherlands, Tourisme, good food, good life, golf URL: Submitted By: SSR Foundation Virginia Dale CO Historic Overland Trail Stage Station The Virginia Dale Colorado Historic Overland Trail Stage Staion is the only stage station left intact on the overland trail. Built in 1862, it is an irreplacable link to our historic past. The web pages include historical anecdotes about the station, information about the Overland Trail, pictures, plans for future restoration and preservation with funding from the Colorado State Historical Society, and upcoming events open to the public. URL: Submitted By: Elizabeth Larson Science Diversified Scientific Services, Inc. WWW Site DSSI is a RCRA Treatment Storage and Disposal (TSD) facility for thermal treatment of mixed, radioactive and/or hazardous waste. These services are provided for both the COMMERCIAL and GOVERNMENT sectors. Key words: mixed low-level radioactive waste; mixed waste; MLLRW; MLLW; DOE; DOT;FFCA URL: Submitted By: Ralph Sheffield Society and Culture KIDWORLD Kidworld is a place where kids under 16 can exchange artwork, writing and ideas. We seek to promote litarcy and global understanding in a forum that is by kids and for kids. URL: Submitted By: Joseph Blakey The Herald Newspaper The Herald Newspaper, a open forum religious dialog newspaper. URL: Submitted By: Dan Gendron _________________________________________________________________ Weekly Bookmark Information The Weekly Bookmark Hompage: The Weekly Bookmark Archives: The Weekly Bookmark Index: Subscribe ONLY WWW form: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via E-mail: Include the following in the BODY Subscribe WeeklyB or Unsubscribe WeeklyB. Submit a Site: Send Feedback: _________________________________________________________________ Meet The Staff Editor - Matt Alberts Assistant Editor - Holly Drake Webmaster - Matt Alberts Monthly Writers - John Reese Marian Hank Weekly Submitters - Ted Nellen tnellen@mbhs.bergtraum.k12.ny .us Marian Hank _________________________________________________________________ (C) Copyright 1995, 1996 by Matt Alberts - All Right Reserved Comments? Ideas? Send mail to